
We like to hear you out when you get stuck or encounter difficulty with our products. As soon as you buy one of our products – you can open a support ticket and share your concern right away.

Submit support ticket:

Support Policy:

It is recommended that before submitting a ticket you take a close look at product documentation (Docs folder in the archive you have downloaded from Themeforest/Codecanyon). To get technical support and assistance, you need to have a valid purchase code. You will find this when you SignIn your Codecanyon/Themeforest “Download” page. Click on the product’s download link.

Please Note:

Free support policy includes troubleshooting, technical assistance with the product only. It does not include any customization, additional features integration or concerns about third-party plugins compatibility. But, support is applied to plugin(s) we have developed and integrated ourselves. We appreciate your understanding!

If you need assistance and information on purchased product that is not covered in documentation, post them on our support portal at You can expect answer within 24-48 hours, usually as soon as possible in the order they were received.

Additionally, if any support ticket has no response from the item owner for more than 7 days, that support ticket will be closed by default. However, if you need further assistance, you can create a new ticket.

All support requests are being processed on business days (Sunday to Thursday) from 12:00 to 20:00 (GMT +02.00). We are in GMT+2:00 time zone. We address all the support queries 5 days weekly on the first-come, first-solve basis (Fridays off).

Do you have any pre-sales questions or concerns, please write to us via our website contact page or email us at We like getting positive feedback from our customers, and this is why we do our best to earn it! Write a review:

Last updated