Changing Servers

You should read this carefully

you'll need to make a folder in your server like

In this folder, you must have a json file with ovpn configuration like this : {

"domain": "", "cites": [

{ "name": "japan",

"flag": "japan.png",

"description": "wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww",

"opvnfile": "Japan.txt",

"quality": "form 1 to 5",

"user": "openvpn",

"pass": "KYlgTgpekIyq"



"name": "japan",

"flag": "japan.png",

"description": "asoasdkm", "opvnfile": "filejapan.opvn",

"quality": "form 1 to 5",

"user": "user",

"pass": "pass"



"name": "japan",

"flag": "japan.png",

"description": "asoasdkm",

"opvnfile": "filejapan.opvn",

"quality": "form 1 to 5",

"user": "user",

"pass": "pass"



"name": "japan",

"flag": "japan.png",

"description": "asoasdkm",

"opvnfile": "filejapan.opvn", "quality": "form 1 to 5",

"user": "user",

"pass": "pass" }, {

"name": "japan",

"flag": "japan.png",

"description": "asoasdkm",

"opvnfile": "filejapan.opvn",

"quality": "form 1 to 5",

"user": "user",

"pass": "pass"




  • Domain is the folder PATH that you've created on your own server.

  • Cities that you've added to your json file with parameters of name, flag, description, opvnfile, quality, user and pass.

  • opvnfile is the file that have ovpn configuration of a specific city, and it must be stored in the same directory with json file, in our case here .

  • flag also stored in same directory.

  • Flutter code read all these data throw file stored in assets folder named url.txt that have the url of the json file in our case .

Last updated